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Specializes in delivering Carbon Emission Reduction Technologies to a global marketplace

About Us

OUR TOP MOST PIORITY - Protect the Planet for Generations to Come.

We should promote Green Initiatives at any cost to preserve finite earth’s energy resources and to Protect the Planet for Generations to Come.

Mr. Imran Majeed,
CEO, ABS Group of Companies

ABS Group is the exception after all. We bear a responsibility to our Clients, our Planet, our Employees & our Society at large. We strongly believe that we have a duty to the Generations that will come after us. Our goal is to provide Carbon Emission Reduction Technologies, Products & Engineering Solutions that will protect the Planet Climate, the Environment & Finite Natural Resources.

ABS Group of Companies include ABS ESCO Inc., ABS GREEN Inc., Advanced Buildings Solutions Inc., and ABS Global Traders Inc. ABS Group first associated company was founded in 2007 and the entire Group is fully operational since 2010. The Group Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario.

ABS firms are authorized by government departments. Some of our firms are Consulting Engineers authorized by Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Qualified by Canadian GeoExchange Coalition (CGC) & Member of Ontario Geothermal Association (OGA).

With our Strong Track Record, ABS stands on a firm foundation as a leading provider of Carbon Emission Reduction Technologies, Products and Engineering Solutions & Systems with true Return On Investment (ROI) in Transportation, Industry and Real Estate Sectors globally.

We have strong track record in delivering STATE OF THE ART, INNOVATIVE & UNIQUE Solutions which admire Environment and helps to achieve "CARBON NEUTRAL STATUS" with respect to "OPERATING ENERGY" by reducing Energy Consumption and reducing Client's Environmental Foot Print. We have delivered innovative solutions to reduce the energy, water consumption and the environmental impact of buildings, resulting in first class reputation not only in the geothermal sector but also in high performance green buildings sector too. Geothermal technology is growing in Canada & ABS Group of Companies is among the leaders in promoting this industry.

Our Leaders have knowledge, many decades of Building Science & Industry Experience, full understanding of Carbon Emission reduction technologies in Transportation, Industry and Real Estate Sectors & have to their credits the most successful projects in the World.