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Specializes in delivering Carbon Emission Reduction Technologies to a global marketplace


ABS Corporates stand on a firm foundation as a leading provider of Energy and Engineering Solutions in the global marketplace.

ABS Group leaders have decades of experience & have full understanding of facility system and energy use, we have provided innovative solutions to reduce the energy, water consumption and the environmental impact of buildings, resulting in first class reputation not only in the geothermal sector but also in high performance green buildings sector too.

Geothermal technology is growing in Canada & ABS Group of Companies is among the leaders in promoting this industry. More

ABS firms are registered Consulting Engineers authorized by Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Qualified by Canadian GeoExchange Coalition (CGC) & Member of Ontario Geothermal Association (OGA).
When you work with our engineering firms you will BENEFIT from OUR INNOVATIONS, OUR SERVICES & OUR EXPERIENCE.

ABS Group leaders are committed to your success and works in partnership with architects, engineers, planners, developers and building owners on building energy use concerns to create high performance green buildings & to assist them integrate today’s most energy efficient and cost effective green building technologies into their projects

Our award winning CARBON EMISSION REDUCTION SOLUTIONS will bring a breath of fresh air to your LEED, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL Achievements. More