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Specializes in delivering Carbon Emission Reduction Technologies to a global marketplace

We can only assist you or your clients in technical submissions along with forms needed to be submitted to NRCan:

Step 1:
ABS can gather information, review or create appropriate documents such as drawings and other relevant information to establish overall geothermal system cost and anticipated Tax dollar savings.

Step 2:
ABS will prepare the technical submission, forms etc. in 1 to 2 WEEK time.

Step 3:
Submit documents to NRCan on Client’s behalf to get NRCan opinion as to the eligibility of a geothermal system for inclusion in Class 43.1 or 43.2.

By Others: Client’s accountant shall submit written NRCan opinion along with other tax related matters to CRA as CRA is the final authority in this regard.

Please call ABS office to get an electronic copy of complete TAX Article.