Advanced & Innovative version of “TWO IN ONE” IPS system is IPSgeo, which uses GEOTHERMAL Central system to enhance system efficiency by combining the domestic water piping system for dual functions; domestic hot water for personal use and space heating & cooling. The geothermal field will only provide space heating and cooling. It can be sized to offset domestic heating loads.
IPSgeo central plant will consists of geothermal field, water to water heat pumps (WWHP), chilled water loop, hot water loop, domestic cold water loop, domestic hot water loop, double wall heat exchangers, expansion tanks, main circulating pumps with piping, valves & accessories.
IPS is 60% more efficient than Window packaged terminal units (PTAC) and 20% to 40% more efficient than 2-pipe hydronic, water source heat pump or variable direct expansion systems because of superior energy efficiency, heat recovery & economizer free cooling
IPSgeo is 10% to 15% more efficient than IPS, as the system uses efficient geothermal field along with efficient water to water heat pump.
Advanced & Innovative version of “TWO IN ONE” IPS system is IPSgeo, which uses GEOTHERMAL Central system to provide space heating and cooling. It can be sized to offset domestic heating loads.
The Building heating & cooling including DHW & DCW will be provided by a three pipe IPS fan coil system.
Central plant will consists of geothermal field, water to water heat pumps (WWHP), chilled water loop, hot water loop, domestic cold water loop, domestic hot water loop, double wall heat exchangers, expansion tanks, main circulating pumps with piping, valves & accessories. The geothermal field will only provide space heating and cooling.
Space Cooling: When system is in cooling mode, fan coil circulator will supply 45oF water to coil which then return back at 55oF to same riser to mix it with 45oF water. WWHP’s maintain DCW loop temperature of 45oF with CP-5, CP-6, CP-7 & CP-8 running to circulate thermal fluid through HX-2, WWHP’s & geothermal field. DCW will be circulated throughout the building via two circulating pumps (CP-1 & CP-2).
More...Time is money — especially in the building industry. CSA approved Crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) tubing cuts installation time by approximately 50% when compared with copper as it can easily installed in concrete application & eliminates joints within the slab. PEX piping of size ¾” is tied to structural rebar in the concrete slab to be connected with distribution headers to supply water to each plumbing fixtures.
The PEX tubing can be buried directly in concrete — something the code doesn’t allow to do with copper. The tubing can be put in a sleeve so it can easily be removed in case of construction damage.
IPS fan coils comes with or without copper risers. Contractor shall provide tees in hot and cold water supply risers to facilitate the PEX piping connections buried in concrete.
PEX benefits over copper Flexibility, durability, reliable fittings & faster installations which means great time savings, money savings and a more reliable plumbing system.
You can get Geothermal based IPSgeo Mechanical system at a Price of Heat Pump or 2 Pipe Fan Coil or Variable Refrigerant Volume based mechanical system with true Return On Investment (ROI).
We will show you how the eco-friendly technologies such as geothermal can be deployed to your projects at no additional cost?
Geothermal industry is growing in Canada & ABS leading eco-friendly group of companies are among the leaders in promoting this industry. Our Leaders have knowledge, many decades of Building Science & Industry Experience, full understanding of Carbon Emission reduction technologies especially Geothermal & have to their credits the most successful projects in the World. Since establishment, ABS has developed, designed & engineered many notable and state of the art geothermal projects in Ontario. Some of our projects use no (Zero) fossil fuel system and the entire building heating demand is satisfied with geothermal system:
Vertical bore hole field - $12 to $17 per foot of drilling or
$3 to $4 per sq.ft.
- Horizontal in 2 layers - $2 to 2.5 per sq.ft of geo field area
(Almost half the price of Vertical
geothermal installation cost)
Based on our diversified and proven geothermal experience the additional cost of IPSgeo system is the cost associated with geothermal which is $3 to $4 more than IPS cost as listed in table published by Williams. With IPSgeo the system will result in lower operating cost and $0.65 to $0.75 per sq.ft is quite attainable.
With Federal Tax incentive and based on 30% Tax bracket $1 to $1.5 per sq.ft can be attainable in from of Tax savings in 4 years on geothermal system investment, once approved by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Provincial incentives such as “SaveonEnergy” program offered by Ontario Power Authority (OPA) will be a BONUS…..
- Tax dollar Savings in
just 4 years.
- CCA claim in just 4 years.
Expenses that qualify as CRCE such as engineering, legal, accounting, or other expenses relating to the acquisition of the geothermal assets and costs of other services required to make the system operational may be deducted in the year incurred, carried forward and deducted in future years, or renounced to investors through a flow through share agreement.
Note: The column 3 shows the maximum CCA that may be deducted from the taxpayer's income to reduce the taxpayer's taxable income. If the taxpayer does not have enough income than the CCA deduction may be less and UCC may be larger each year than that shown. Under the declining balance method the deductions continue and can be carried forward.
We can only assist you or your clients in technical submissions along with forms needed to be submitted to NRCan:
Step 1: ABS can gather information, review or create appropriate documents such as drawings and other relevant information to establish overall geothermal system cost and anticipated Tax dollar savings.
Step 2: ABS will prepare the technical submission, forms etc. in 1 to 2 WEEK time.
Step 3: Submit documents to NRCan on Client’s behalf to get NRCan opinion as to the eligibility of a geothermal system for inclusion in Class 43.1 or 43.2.
By Others: Client’s accountant shall submit written NRCan opinion along with other tax related matters to CRA as CRA is the final authority in this regard.
Unlike the Class 34 requirement, a certificate of technical eligibility from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is not required or mandatory for inclusion of property in Class 43.1/43.2, however Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) encourage to contact the Class 43.1/43.2 Secretariat at NRCan at any time to discuss a project and request their opinion.
As a result of the innovative technology utilized in the IPSgeo energy efficient mechanical systems, we can assist developers in qualifying for a significant portion of available LEED Points in the following areas:
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) is a green building rating system that reflects the highest level of sustainability-focused certification a development can receive.
The Green Building Council, a not-for-profit certification agency, has become the international standard for commercial construction, through its building design guidelines and operations. Through its LEED® Certification program, commercial buildings are rated according to six areas of sustainability, Energy and Atmosphere being worth 35% of the possible points. Geothermal is one of the cheapest ways for developers to achieve LEED® points, providing up to 10 points.